Date Species Location Submitter
2025-03-20 Brimstone Red Admiral Peacock Comma Shear Water forest (ST 8437742) Melanie May
2024-08-01 Small Skipper Wall Brown Marbled White Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2024-07-27 Small Skipper Large White Red Admiral Small Tortoiseshell Wall Brown Marbled White Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2024-07-26 Peacock Silver-washed Fritillary Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Southleigh Wood (ST 8780642) Melanie May
2024-07-23 Large White Green-veined White Red Admiral Painted Lady Marbled White Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2024-07-22 Green-veined White Red Admiral Comma Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Smallbrook Meadows (ST87821442) Melanie May
2024-07-11 Green-veined White Marbled White Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Ringlet Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2024-07-06 Small Skipper Red Admiral Comma Meadow Brown Southleigh Wood (ST 8780642) Melanie May
2024-07-01 Red Admiral Smallbrook Meadows (ST87821442) Melanie May
2024-06-29 Dark Green Fritillary Marbled White Meadow Brown Little Langford Down (ST 87206 4) Melanie May
2024-06-29 Small Skipper Large Skipper White Admiral Red Admiral Marbled White Meadow Brown Grovely Wood (ST 87209 4) Melanie May
2024-06-18 Brown Argus Common Blue Marsh Fritillary Meadow Brown Small Heath Five-spot Burnet Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2024-06-16 Large Skipper Brimstone Common Blue Marsh Fritillary Meadow Brown Forester Five-spot Burnet Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2024-05-23 Grizzled Skipper Green Hairstreak Marsh Fritillary Wall Brown Small Heath Five-spot Burnet Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2024-05-15 Brimstone Large White Orange-tip Wall Brown Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2024-05-10 Brimstone Green-veined White Orange-tip Small Tortoiseshell Speckled Wood Wall Brown Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2024-04-30 Green-veined White Peacock Cotley Hill (ST 9176743) Melanie May
2024-04-26 Orange-tip Green Hairstreak Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2024-04-18 Brimstone Orange-tip Holly Blue Smallbrook Meadows (ST87821442) Melanie May
2024-04-11 Brimstone Warminster - home (ST 8719145) Melanie May
2024-04-11 Peacock Speckled Wood Grovelands Warminster (ST86483454) Melanie May
2024-04-11 Brimstone Orange-tip Small Tortoiseshell Arn Hill (ST880461) Melanie May
2024-04-11 Brimstone Orange-tip Peacock Copheap Warminster (ST879455) Melanie May
2024-03-21 Brimstone Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2024-03-17 Brimstone Warminster - home (ST 8719145) Melanie May
2024-02-18 Brimstone Comma Copheap Warminster (ST879455) Melanie May
2024-02-15 Brimstone Copheap Warminster (ST879455) Melanie May
2023-07-12 Small Skipper Green-veined White Red Admiral Speckled Wood Marbled White Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Ringlet Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2023-07-10 Painted Lady Marbled White Meadow Brown Ringlet Cotley Hill (ST 9176743) Melanie May
2023-06-13 Small Skipper Orange-tip Small Blue Brown Argus Common Blue Adonis Blue Red Admiral Marsh Fritillary Wall Brown Marbled White Meadow Brown Small Heath Five-spot Burnet Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2023-06-07 Common Blue Meadow Brown Five-spot Burnet Copheap Warminster (ST879455) Melanie May
2023-05-11 Small Tortoiseshell Speckled Wood Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2023-05-03 Brimstone Green Hairstreak Peacock Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2023-04-30 Green-veined White Orange-tip Sutton Lane Meadows (ST94800777) Melanie May
2023-04-04 Brimstone Small Tortoiseshell Peacock Cotley Hill (ST 9176743) Melanie May
2023-04-03 Brimstone Small Tortoiseshell Warminster - home (ST 8719145) Melanie May
2023-02-26 Small Tortoiseshell Stourhead estate (ST 7645934) Melanie May
2023-02-19 Red Admiral Warminster – Minster (ST 8690045) Melanie May
2022-10-28 Clouded Yellow Tynings Allotments (ST 8659444) Melanie May
2022-09-24 Clouded Yellow Large White Small White Small Copper Speckled Wood Park Bottom, Sherrington (ST 9549537) Melanie May
2022-09-15 Clouded Yellow Common Blue Chalkhill Blue Adonis Blue Dunscombe Bottom (ST 9406 43) Melanie May
2022-09-13 Common Blue Adonis Blue Dunscombe Bottom (ST 9406 43) Melanie May
2022-08-10 Common Blue Wall Brown Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2022-08-04 Common Blue Dark Green Fritillary Wall Brown Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2022-07-29 Large White Common Blue Holly Blue Red Admiral Painted Lady Speckled Wood Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2022-07-28 Common Blue Chalkhill Blue Marbled White Meadow Brown Dunscombe Bottom (ST 9406 43) Melanie May
2022-07-26 Common Blue Chalkhill Blue Marbled White Meadow Brown Ringlet Dusky Sallow Dunscombe Bottom (ST 9406 43) Melanie May
2022-07-26 Green-veined White Red Admiral Wall Brown Marbled White Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Six-spot Burnet Dusky Sallow Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2022-07-20 Small Skipper Green-veined White Peacock Marbled White Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Ringlet Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2022-07-06 Small/Essex Skipper Large Skipper Green-veined White Small Tortoiseshell Marbled White Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Ringlet Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2022-07-05 Small Skipper Green-veined White Marbled White Meadow Brown Ringlet Dunscombe Bottom (ST 9406 43) Melanie May
2022-06-21 Small Skipper Large Skipper Common Blue Small Tortoiseshell Marbled White Meadow Brown Ringlet Five-spot Burnet Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2022-06-20 Large Skipper Painted Lady Small Tortoiseshell Meadow Brown Ringlet Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2022-06-16 Common Blue Small Tortoiseshell Speckled Wood Marbled White Meadow Brown Copheap Warminster (ST879455) Melanie May
2022-06-14 Large Skipper Small Tortoiseshell Speckled Wood Meadow Brown Small Heath Five-spot Burnet Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2022-06-13 Large Skipper Brimstone Small Copper Small Blue Common Blue Red Admiral Small Tortoiseshell Speckled Wood Meadow Brown Ringlet Small Heath Upton Cow Down (ST 8750748) Melanie May
2022-04-26 Dingy Skipper Brimstone Large White Green-veined White Orange-tip Green Hairstreak Holly Blue Small Tortoiseshell Peacock Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2022-04-21 Brimstone Orange-tip Peacock Speckled Wood Smallbrook Meadows (ST87821442) Melanie May
2022-04-20 Grizzled Skipper Brimstone Small White Orange-tip Green Hairstreak Small Tortoiseshell Peacock Cotley Hill (ST 9176743) Melanie May
2022-04-15 Holly Blue Comma Warminster - home (ST 8719145) Melanie May
2022-04-02 Peacock Smallbrook Meadows (ST87821442) Melanie May
2022-03-21 Brimstone Warminster - home (ST 8719145) Melanie May
2022-03-15 Brimstone Warminster - home (ST 8719145) Melanie May
2022-03-14 Brimstone Small Tortoiseshell Smallbrook Meadows (ST87821442) Melanie May
2022-02-27 Red Admiral Small Tortoiseshell Southleigh Wood (ST 8780642) Melanie May
2022-02-27 Red Admiral Eastleigh Wood (ST 8816943) Melanie May
2022-02-27 Small Tortoiseshell Smallbrook Meadows (ST87821442) Melanie May
2021-09-30 Five-spot Burnet Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-09-18 Clouded Yellow Common Blue Adonis Blue Meadow Brown Small Heath Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-08-26 Small White Small Copper Common Blue Adonis Blue Wall Brown Meadow Brown Small Heath Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2021-08-24 Brimstone Small White Small Copper Brown Argus Common Blue Chalkhill Blue Adonis Blue Peacock Speckled Wood Wall Brown Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Picquet Hill (ST92294524) Melanie May
2021-08-18 Common Blue Red Admiral Small Tortoiseshell Peacock Wall Brown Meadow Brown Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-08-04 Large Skipper Small White Red Admiral Peacock Silver-washed Fritillary Speckled Wood Meadow Brown Ringlet Heavens Gate Longleat Forest (ST82779426) Melanie May
2021-08-03 Small Skipper Large White Small White Chalkhill Blue Red Admiral Marbled White Meadow Brown Shaded Broad-bar Six-spot Burnet Dunscombe Bottom (ST 9406 43) Melanie May
2021-07-19 Small Skipper Small White Peacock Comma Speckled Wood Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Ringlet Grovelands Warminster (ST86483454) Melanie May
2021-07-17 Small Skipper Large White Small White Red Admiral Silver-washed Fritillary Marbled White Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Ringlet Southleigh Wood (ST 8780642) Melanie May
2021-07-08 Small Skipper Marbled White Meadow Brown Ringlet Small Heath Dunscombe Bottom (ST 9406 43) Melanie May
2021-07-06 Marbled White Meadow Brown Ringlet Dunscombe Bottom (ST 9406 43) Melanie May
2021-07-06 Small Skipper Small Tortoiseshell Marbled White Meadow Brown Ringlet Small Heath Five-spot Burnet Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-07-04 Small Skipper Common Blue Small Tortoiseshell Marbled White Meadow Brown Ringlet Small Heath Cotley Hill (ST 9176743) Melanie May
2021-07-01 Common Blue Adonis Blue Small Tortoiseshell Marbled White Meadow Brown Ringlet Small Heath Dunscombe Bottom (ST 9406 43) Melanie May
2021-06-25 Small Skipper Large Skipper Brown Argus Common Blue Adonis Blue Small Tortoiseshell Speckled Wood Marbled White Meadow Brown Small Heath Five-spot Burnet Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2021-06-15 Large Skipper Dingy Skipper Small Blue Common Blue Adonis Blue Painted Lady Small Tortoiseshell Speckled Wood Meadow Brown Small Heath Five-spot Burnet Cinnabar Burnet Companion Picquet Hill (ST92294524) Melanie May
2021-06-10 Large Skipper Dingy Skipper Orange-tip Small Blue Brown Argus Common Blue Adonis Blue Marsh Fritillary Wall Brown Small Heath Forester Five-spot Burnet Silver Y Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-06-05 Dingy Skipper Orange-tip Small Blue Brown Argus Common Blue Adonis Blue Red Admiral Marsh Fritillary Wall Brown Small Heath Five-spot Burnet Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-05-27 Dingy Skipper Grizzled Skipper Small Blue Adonis Blue Duke of Burgundy Peacock Marsh Fritillary Wall Brown Small Heath Five-spot Burnet Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-05-14 Dingy Skipper Grizzled Skipper Orange-tip Green Hairstreak Small Copper Small Tortoiseshell Marsh Fritillary Wall Brown Small Heath Common Heath Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-05-12 Dingy Skipper Grizzled Skipper Brimstone Green-veined White Orange-tip Small Copper Duke of Burgundy Peacock Marsh Fritillary Small Heath Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-05-10 Dingy Skipper Orange-tip Peacock Small Heath Silver Y Common Heath Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-05-07 Dingy Skipper Grizzled Skipper Duke of Burgundy Peacock Wall Brown Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-05-02 Dingy Skipper Grizzled Skipper Brimstone Orange-tip Green Hairstreak Duke of Burgundy Small Tortoiseshell Peacock Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-04-23 Dingy Skipper Grizzled Skipper Brimstone Orange-tip Green Hairstreak Peacock Comma Speckled Wood Common Heath Battlesbury Hill Melanie May
2021-04-22 Green Hairstreak Small Tortoiseshell Peacock Dunscombe Bottom (ST 9406 43) Melanie May
2021-04-20 Orange-tip Peacock Common Heath Cotley Hill (ST 9176743) Melanie May
2021-04-20 Brimstone Small Tortoiseshell Peacock Dunscombe Bottom (ST 9406 43) Melanie May
2021-03-29 Brimstone Small Tortoiseshell Peacock Arn Hill (ST880461) Melanie May
2021-03-29 Brimstone Peacock George Street (ST87191452) Melanie May
2021-02-28 Comma The Warren (SU0355189) Melanie May
2020-05-26 Small Skipper Dingy Skipper Small Blue Common Blue Adonis Blue Small Tortoiseshell Marsh Fritillary Wall Brown Meadow Brown Small Heath Forester Five-spot Burnet Burnet Companion Mother Shipton Cradle Hill (ST 8808347) Melanie May
2020-05-25 Dingy Skipper Grizzled Skipper Brimstone Small White Green-veined White Green Hairstreak Small Blue Common Blue Adonis Blue Small Tortoiseshell Marsh Fritillary Wall Brown Small Heath Forester Five-spot Burnet Silver Y Battlesbury Hill Melanie May