Chalkhill Blue

Lysandra coridonPhotoWingspan: 38mm 

The Chalkhill Blue is one of the larger blue butterflies to be found in the UK, The males have silvery blue upperwings with a thick black border on the forewings, the underwings of the male are light grey brown (appearing almost white in the sun) and are heavily spotted. The females have brown upperwings and fawn underwings. 

Your photographs 

Flight Period
July to mid-September 

Larval Food plants
Horseshoe Vetch (Hippocrepis comosa) 

Habitat Requirements
Chalk Downland 

Resident, Widespread
Local, frequent / common 

Wiltshire Sites
Pewsey Down
West Yatton Down
Barbury Castle 

Earliest sightings
Earliest county record 30 May 1984 Morgan's Hill 

Latest county record
1st November 1972