White Admiral

Limentitis camillaPhoto

Wingspan: 60-64mm 

The sexes are similar but the male is smaller and darker than the female. The upperwings are a dark brown, almost black with a conspicuous broad white band across both wings. On the male a small orange mark can be seen on the upper hindwing. this orange highlights the darker marking that edge the upperwings. The underwings are a bright orange bronze, also with the white band with additional white near the body.

Your photographs 

Flight Period
End June – mid-August. 

Larval Food plants
Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) 

Habitat Requirements
Woodland with lots of shade. 

Wiltshire Status
Frequent, local, only in woodland. 

Wiltshire Sites
Bentley Wood
Biss Wood
Green Lane Wood
Somerford Common
Red Lodge Wood 

Earliest sightings
Earliest county record 2nd June 2011, Bentley Wood (David Lambert) 

Latest county record
29th August 1977