Date Species Location Submitter
2025-03-20 Brimstone Park Copse (SU147 626) Jane Brown
2025-03-20 Peacock South of Oare village (SU156 616) Jane Brown
2025-03-20 Brimstone Sunnyhill Lane Oare (SU158 622) Jane Brown
2025-03-20 Brimstone 27 Hillview Estate, Oare (SU1565 621) Jane Brown
2025-03-13 Small Tortoiseshell Sunnyhill Lane Oare (SU158 622) Jane Brown
2025-03-06 Brimstone south of West Woods (SU161 651) Jane Brown
2024-10-25 Peacock Sunnyhill Lane east (SU171 622) Jane Brown
2024-10-19 Red Admiral Jones's Mill orchard (SU165 611) Jane Brown
2024-10-18 Red Admiral Comma Jones's Mill orchard (SU165 611) Jane Brown
2024-10-11 Red Admiral Comma Workway Drove (SU123 631) Jane Brown
2024-09-26 Red Admiral Speckled Wood Inlands track,southern end (SU164 614) Jane Brown
2024-09-26 Brimstone Pewsey allotments Easterton Lane (167 601) Jane Brown
2024-09-21 Comma Pewsey allotments Easterton Lane (167 601) Jane Brown
2024-09-08 Peacock Comma track West Wick area (SU174 625) Jane Brown
2024-09-08 Small White Common Blue Giant's Grave hill (SU168 633) Jane Brown
2024-09-08 Comma Speckled Wood track West Wick area (SU174 625) Jane Brown
2024-09-08 Red Admiral Comma Sunnyhill Lane Oare (SU158 622) Jane Brown
2024-09-01 Common Blue South of Oare village (SU156 616) Jane Brown
2024-09-01 Speckled Wood Giant's Grave hill (SU168 633) Jane Brown
2024-08-23 Peacock Jones's Mill orchard (SU165 611) Jane Brown
2024-08-14 Wall Brown Gullies, Milk Hill (SU093 644) Jane Brown
2024-08-11 Small Copper Jones's Mill (SU166 611) Jane Brown
2024-08-07 Wall Brown Pewsey Downs, Walkers Hill (SU1163) Jane Brown
2024-08-04 Small Skipper Gatekeeper nr Martinsell Hill (SU175 638) Jane Brown
2024-08-01 Small White Sunnyhill Lane Oare (SU158 622) Jane Brown
2024-08-01 Green-veined White Peacock Gatekeeper Mid Wilts Way Oare (SU157 635) Jane Brown
2024-08-01 Green-veined White Gatekeeper track West Wick area (SU174 625) Jane Brown
2024-07-30 Brimstone 27 Hillview Estate, Oare (SU1565 621) Jane Brown
2024-07-30 Green-veined White 27 Hillview Estate, Oare (SU1565 621) Jane Brown
2024-07-29 Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Sunnyhill Lane Oare (SU158 622) Jane Brown
2024-07-29 Red Admiral Sunnyhill Lane Oare (SU158 622) Jane Brown
2024-07-29 Small Skipper Red Admiral Speckled Wood Giant's Grave hill (SU168 633) Jane Brown
2024-07-28 Peacock 27 Hillview Estate, Oare (SU1565 621) Jane Brown
2024-07-28 Speckled Wood Jones's Mill orchard (SU165 611) Jane Brown
2024-07-28 Red Admiral Inlands track,southern end (SU164 614) Jane Brown
2024-07-28 Meadow Brown Jones's Mill (SU166 611) Jane Brown
2024-07-26 Brimstone Gatekeeper 27 Hillview Estate, Oare (SU1565 621) Jane Brown
2024-07-22 Marbled White Meadow Brown west Gopher Wood (SU138 637) Jane Brown
2024-07-19 Red Admiral Ringlet Sunnyhill Lane Oare (SU158 622) Jane Brown
2024-07-16 Red Admiral Marbled White Gatekeeper Ringlet Giant's Grave hill (SU168 633) Jane Brown
2024-07-07 Scarlet Tiger Jones's Mill (SU166 611) Jane Brown
2024-07-07 Scarlet Tiger Jones's Mill (SU166 611) Jane Brown
2024-07-04 Marbled White Meadow Brown Giant's Grave hill (SU168 633) Jane Brown
2024-06-29 Common Blue Jones's Mill (SU166 611) Jane Brown
2024-06-29 Common Blue Marsh Fritillary Meadow Brown Jones's Mill (SU166 611) Jane Brown
2024-06-29 Marbled White Meadow Brown Jones's Mill orchard (SU165 611) Jane Brown
2024-06-21 Large Skipper Marbled White Meadow Brown Jones's Mill orchard (SU165 611) Jane Brown
2024-06-16 Large Skipper Meadow Brown Jones's Mill orchard (SU165 611) Jane Brown
2024-06-07 Speckled Wood Meadow Brown Inlands track,southern end (SU164 614) Jane Brown
2024-06-05 Adonis Blue Small Heath west Gopher Wood (SU138 637) Jane Brown
2024-06-05 Grizzled Skipper Meadow Brown Small Heath Forester Pewsey Downs, Walkers Hill (SU1163) Jane Brown
2024-06-05 Large Skipper Small Copper Marsh Fritillary Speckled Wood Workway Drove (SU123 631) Jane Brown
2024-05-27 Wall Brown Giant's Grave hill (SU168 633) Jane Brown
2024-05-27 Painted Lady nr Martinsell Hill (SU175 638) Jane Brown
2024-04-09 Brimstone 27 Hillview Estate, Oare (SU1565 621) Jane Brown
2024-04-08 Brimstone verge south of Oare (SU152 618) Jane Brown
2024-04-01 Brimstone Sunnyhill Lane Oare (SU158 622) Jane Brown
2024-03-30 Brimstone Pewsey Wharf (SU156 615) Jane Brown
2024-03-30 Brimstone Peacock Pewsey allotments Easterton Lane (167 601) Jane Brown
2024-03-30 Peacock South of Oare village (SU156 616) Jane Brown
2024-03-21 Brimstone Peacock 27 Hillview Estate, Oare (SU1565 621) Jane Brown
2024-03-20 Brimstone Jones's Mill (SU166 611) Jane Brown