

Brimstone (3)

Large White (2)

Small White (4)

Small Copper (3)

Brown Argus (14)

Common Blue (58)

Chalkhill Blue (25)

Adonis Blue (4)

Red Admiral (1)

Gatekeeper (2)

Meadow Brown (187)

Small Heath (39)

 11.45 - 12.45. Very dry. Over 50 Marsh Fritillary caterpillar nests seen, in most cases with caterpillars (3rd instar) venturing out onto the surface and neighbouring vegetation (photos taken but upload here not working for me at present). I don't have much reference data (max 12 seen without really looking last year) but it seems like a lot. I'm beginning to drool about prospects for next spring. I wonder what typically losses are during 4th/hibernation/5th instars. A bit of rain wont hurt, to help the vegetation bulk up for them to feed on and to hunker down into. Nests found concentrated in the areas where adults normally fly, but also a few in areas I don't associate with adults during their flight period.

Simon Crampin
