

Large Skipper (3)

Dingy Skipper (6)

Brimstone (11)

Orange-tip (1)

Small Copper (1)

Brown Argus (2)

Common Blue (49)

Adonis Blue (11)

Duke of Burgundy (2)

Marsh Fritillary (24)

Speckled Wood (7)

Wall Brown (11)

Small Heath (27)

 Also 2 unidentified whites. Moths included abundant Five-spot Burnets, Hummingbird Hawkmoth, Grass Rivulets, Silver Ground Carpet, Latticed Heath, Common Heath, Yellow Shell, Wood Tiger (my first for years) Cinnabar(2), Burnet Companion(3), Mother Shipton, Small Yellow Underwing(2) At last the Dukes - the first I've seen in Wilts since Somerford Common days.

Robin Griffiths
