

Small White (5)

Green-veined White (1)

Red Admiral (23)

Peacock (2)

Comma (2)

 11.30 - 13.30. A broken down freight train meant I gave up on GWR getting me to Salisbury and instead caught a bus to Steeple Langford then climbed to the western end of Grovely, before walking the Ox Drove back to Wilton - the opposite way to my usual trek. It made for an interesting change. After a couple of early sightings I set myself the challenge of seeing 5 species during the day, which left the spectre of failure hanging over me and I was contemplating a rapid detour to Ebsbury for late MB or SH before a GVW came to the rescue to give me 5, and I could relax and enjoy what was a very pleasant autumn day. RAs still out in force, and my first Ps for over a month.

Simon Crampin
