

Small White (5)

Green-veined White (1)

Brown Argus (1)

Common Blue (25)

Chalkhill Blue (2)

Adonis Blue (30)

Red Admiral (2)

Speckled Wood (2)

Meadow Brown (268)

Small Heath (34)

 11 - 12.30. Also 4 fox moth caterpillars. Many MBs still look really fresh and pristine - not bad given recent weather. I love how resilient their numbers have been this year, compared to most species. Surely they have to be the butterfly of the year. If they don't get it this year, when will they ever? Most ABs looking faded now but a few look fresh including several females. Not a single Small Copper seen either here or at Middleton Down (separate report) during the day - frequently see 20+ at both sites at this time of year.
Walked along the Ox Drove from Faulston Down Farm to the Middleton Down turning. RA numbers starting to build on the ivy plants: GVW 11, LW 4, SW 13, B 1, PL 1, RA 17, C 5, SpW 7.

Simon Crampin
