

Small Skipper (1)

Large Skipper (5)

Brimstone (4)

Large White (9)

Small White (4)

Green-veined White (15)

Purple Hairstreak (18)

White-letter Hairstreak (2)

White Admiral (7)

Small Tortoiseshell (1)

Comma (1)

Silver-washed Fritillary (42)

Speckled Wood (2)

Marbled White (2)

Meadow Brown (41)

Ringlet (55)

 Small & GV Whites numbers estimates based on apparent proportions of those few identified. Purple & WL Hairstreaks flying low with other butterflies instead of high in the trees today. More than White Admirals than the max (6) in 2017.Also 2 Common White Waves, Brimstone Moth, 6 Scarlet Tigers, a Silver Y and a Hedya salicella.

Robin Griffiths
