

Dingy Skipper (5)

Grizzled Skipper (2)

Brimstone (7)

Large White (1)

Small White (2)

Orange-tip (2)

Common Blue (1)

Holly Blue (2)

Duke of Burgundy (1)

Red Admiral (4)

Marsh Fritillary (59)

Speckled Wood (2)

Wall Brown (11)

Small Heath (1)

Five-spot Burnet (1)

Green Carpet (1)

Grass Rivulet (1)

Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth (1)

Cinnabar (1)

Small Yellow Underwing (1)

Silver Y (7)

Mother Shipton (1)

Burnet Companion (2)

 Incredible day! 59 Marsh Fritillaries and my first ever Narrow Bordered Bee Hawk-moth, also a Small Purple Barred. 4 unidentified whites.

Robin Griffiths
