Small Skipper (1)
Large Skipper (7)
Large White (2)
Green-veined White (1)
White Admiral (10)
Red Admiral (1)
Comma (1)
Dark Green Fritillary (1)
Speckled Wood (17)
Meadow Brown (3)
Small Heath (1)
11.15 - 12.30. Walked the length of Second Broad Drive to Grovely Lodge. Probably three dozen White Admiral sightings - 10 is best estimate as to number of individuals. They were very mobile. Later (15.00 - 16.00) after visit to Ebsbury I took the track north of First Broad Drive to the Wilton end and saw another 8 WA - the different character of the wood along this track makes it easier to be sure of the number of different indivisuals. Nice to see a comma again - is it just me, or have they been very thin on the ground this year?
Simon Crampin